sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

At home

It´s so good to spend some time at home... good food, good time, mummy and daddy! The world appears so free of troubles here.... just eating some popcorn and watching "What not to wear" (So so soooo funny!!!)

Little brother will marry next month! And I found the perfect dress last week, yesssss! Now we´re chasing the perfect make up, shoes, and maybe a (fake) fur coat - ´cause we´re getting closer to winter, it´ll be cold... and party dresses don´t match with cold weather...

Soon, some photos to upload!

Oh... I´m getting too addicted to the net... first facebook... than blog... now I can´t stop twitting...

Um comentário:

  1. Oi Dani!
    Olha, achei bem legal a expo do Andy, apesar de meio enxuta sabe, mas vale a pena sim! Está tendo outras expos bem legais lá na Pinacoteca também, dei uma olhada em tudo!
    Não deu tempo de passar no MASP dessa vez, mas sempre que dá eu vou!

